problem solvers
3 Mar, 2024
engineers, leaders, innovators & artists have existed for centuries. all 4 kinds tend to do repeat the same skill day in, day out for decades to get where they dreamt to be! there's a lot of nuance to the art of practicing any of it.
a starting point could be to help high alpha people in your life solve their biggest problem today. like.. a side project.
treat their headaches like you'd treat yours! take charge to solve it. start with check-ins, discussions, quick actionables, connects - anyway you could treat the headache.
in process.. you'll build trust - the rarest currency that floats in the market today. trust. this is just one way to earn it. trust, just like money, compounds too; it increases your surface area to get lucky & win. so i've learnt that's a good thing to work on. relationships. (they also get you some fun stories for the road when you're old one day.)
the real ask from you is whether you can: offer to help. helping when asked is expected most often. (the 'transactional' mindset should go straight into the bin). if that's how it ends, it's ok. but idea is to do more. i have an abundance mindset, i think there's more for everyone; the world around is is extremely far from efficiency. from nash-equillibrium. if you can help increase their income, happiness or aspirations -- just do it.
open your network. help them get a job, business, an opportunity. you can choose to heavy lift till the problem is solved if you're enjoying/learning through it all.
this can be practiced effectively when you aren't obsessed with a problem to solve yourself. when you're looking for inspiration & novelty beyond the routine you're engineered to, you're in the right spot to do what i ask of you.
you gain: NPS, indispensability, & your right to ask.
money is a by-product of trust. you will earn money through this process one way or the other. just don't do it for the money.